Megafauna Monitoring Project:

Keeping track of big wildlife

Researchers have proven that one of the most useful tools in science when used properly is what we call collaborative science, where it looks to integrate different background sectors such as scientists from different disciplines, touristic operators, or interested public into specific focused-based objectives. The PMM (Proyecto de Monitoreo de Megafauna) is a long-term initiative that looks to integrate all different sectors of the community involved with sightings of these species, to collect data through digital media tools to know the main areas of the use of resources, learn about animal behavior, find biological indicators, report damage to organisms or certain areas, and to report illegal activities or bad practices during the observation or interaction. 


The PMM started in 2021 with the adaptation of the method used by the Programa de Monitoreo de Mamiferos Marinos de la Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (PRIMMA-UABCS), Sinergia Azul, and touristic operators, creating an electronic form that would facilitate data collection during whale-watching season. Due to the success of that year, for 2022 the program extended to all the diverse groups considered megafauna found in Mexico. Today we have more than 100 participants enrolled in the program. As well as collaborations with Mobula Conservation Project, PRIMMA-UABCS, Proyecto Fauna Arecifal (PFA), Red de Observadores Ciudadanos (ROC), Fundacion Mar Vivo y Mexico Azul.